30-Second Bleed /// Stitches
This a 24-page collection of brief, off-the-cuff writing that (I think) is funny and energetic and odd.
someone I met at a party said they could get me a meeting with these high power executives who greenlight projects with big budgets, so I took it upon myself to write a treatment for a trilogy of artistic porno films. they were going to be really good, but the executives could not wrap their heads around what it meant for the protagonist to lose his erection and be stabbed with a broken chair leg, or why the protagonist would wander naked through a vast desert and have to masturbate without lube, or why it would be necessary to keep the run times of these films to three minutes maximum per installment. all that, and all the sudden endings, cutting from moments of extreme discomfort to absolute black with little or no music over the extensive credits where tons of understudies and tons of interns would be listed alphabetically.
you must believe in what you do.
Copyright © 2017 Alec Berry. No portions of this may be reproduced without permission.